Veggie Grill, Downtown Seattle

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.
Veggie Grill Sunrise Kimchi

Last time I ate at Veggie Grill, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked their ultimate mushroom veggie burger. So, working downtown and in need of lunch, I decided to try another one of their veggie burgers. This time I opted for the “sunrise kimchi burger”, which comes with a Beyond burger patty, sesame aioli, lettuce, pickles, kimchi, and Yo Egg. The latter is a vegan egg imitation and I was very curious to try it!

The Yo Egg doesn’t look exactly like a real egg–the white in particular looks a bit frisbee-ish–but the yolk exploded just like a lightly fried egg and the texture wasn’t too far off. Similar to a real egg, the white didn’t taste like much. The Yo Egg yolk had a mild paprika taste, which was both different and milder than the taste of a real egg yolk. Overall, the taste was not offensive at all as it was so mild, but it wasn’t something I would want to eat on its own. However, they didn’t do a poor job at all in imitating the feel of a fried egg, so in a burger, it worked.

In this particular burger, the Yo Egg flavor was overtaken by the stronger flavors of the kimchi and pickles, both of which were good. I like Beyond patties, but I must say, it turns out that I prefer Veggie Grill’s housemade mushroom and grain patty. Nonetheless, this was a very adequate veggie burger for a quick lunch, and I would recommend trying a Yo Egg to my vegan friends on sandwiches simply for the yolk-squirt.

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